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Allison's Story


At age 38, Allison Smith had just finished a doctorate from a seminary and found herself at her peak weight of 250 pounds. She was eating out of control and did not know how to stop. Packing on pounds with every passing year, she was ... ironically ... consumed with losing weight. She began every day determined to eat right, but ended every day in defeat. Her days were filled with thoughts about food. Whatever food she thought about, she moved heaven and earth to get it. She found it impossible to deny her desires for food.

Through the years, Allison tried everything imaginable to lose weight. On diets since childhood, she read book after book and signed up for pay-and-weigh programs ad nauseam. When she lost the ability to restrict her food, she tried skipping meals, eating less food less often; she tried pills, therapy, exercise programs, 12-step support groups, mindfulness, and even explored bariatric surgery. Nothing worked … not for any sustainable period of time.

When she exhausted everything her world had to offer, Allison turned to her faith. When no one else could explain why she was eating out of control, she believed God knew the reason and He had the answers. So, she began to pray. Endless days and nights in prayer gave way to the answers she so desperately needed.

Not only did she lose weight, Allison found a place of freedom she could never imagine or think to ask for. She discovered the root causes of her chronic overeating. By addressing the root causes, she began to walk in freedom and found herself empowered to make the healthy choices she had always wanted to be able to make.


In 2018, Allison published The Grace Solution: for Overcoming Overeating based on her journey and the freedom she found. She began teaching The Grace Solution principles to various groups in North Metro Atlanta and is now providing personal coaching. 

Today, Allison is passionate about sharing The Grace Solution message with others. She believes her journey and experiences are extremely common, while the answers are extremely rare. She also believes that those who struggle the way she did can find the freedom she found by discovering new mindsets about food and weight that lead to healing and recovery. 

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